
Showing posts from September, 2017

Homework #3

Ever since film was invented, people have tried to make themselves look better. At first it was good lighting and camera angle.  Then actor's bodies themselves were altered. First with makeup and then plastic surgery, Botox and other procedures and techniques that change a person's body. VFX is the latest technique that further splits reality from film. Now the film itself is changed to make people look better. It's just another step forward in technology. Movies aren't real life, they never were.  All these things, of course, have contributed to false ideas of beauty and what a person's body should look like. This is wrong and has always been wrong. People should realize how fake this stuff is.

Cow abduction


Composite Piece - The Identity of the Environment

For my composite piece I am going to have it set in a park, so there will be people jogging, biking, and walking throughout. The identity of the environment will be somewhat serious and realistic. I want the environment to look sunny and nice so I will really focus on where to put the lights and darks. The environment will be energetic and busy, so I want to have a lot going on to make it look really active.

Quotidian Project Proposal

For my quotidian project, I will be going up to people around school and asking them to write a word in my book and then I will draw it.

Homework #2

If someone lies about the small stuff, should you believe him when he talks about things that really matter? All Americans, not just the media, should ask that question about Trump and answer it for themselves. The author suggests that the answer is no. What Trump said about the size of the inauguration crowd, who wrote his speech, and the location of the concert was incorrect. And it was easily proved that it was incorrect. What makes an incorrect statement a lie, is the intent of the person making the statement. If he knew what he said was not the truth. If so, then we can and should call it a lie. We all make mistakes and say things that we think are true but are not. Lies, however, are not mistakes. Why lie about trivial and unimportant things? Why try to say that there are "alternate facts" at issue. Facts are facts.They are not opinions.

Sunset Project


Homework #1

My So-Called Opinions: Hoarding is probably common in most or all cultures. There are reality shows in the United States dedicated to exposing hoarding and the damaged people who do it. Does the fact that it's a Chinese hoarder make it more interesting? Or is it just another example of voyeurism? Of trying to make the ordinary to be something special? Song Dong: Pluralism is about peaceful coexistence of people from different backgrounds and with different points of view. It's about respecting everyone and sharing power with others. I am from Vietnam and have two dads. Our opinions are just as valid as anyone else's. It's only recently that we have been allowed to participate fully in American society.